In a world increasingly aware of the need to protect the environment, it is imperative that we all do our part to address the challenges we face.
An Earth Tale is a story about the importance of environmental awareness. It is a call to think before we buy, to know where it comes from and the impact that everything we buy has had, has or will have. It is a wake-up call so that, by reacting in time, we can take care of those landscapes we are lucky enough to walk through every day.
Aware of this, at Castañer we have been taking small steps towards sustainability and every year we make new collections totally focused on it. We have been working for more than 100 years to respect the process. Doing what we love, enjoying what we are most passionate about: NATURE.
Nuestra cápsula, Mind the step, es el más puro ejemplo de ello. Es un homenaje a la fuerza de la naturaleza y a nuestras ganas de preservarla. Cada pieza se inspira en sus matices y formas y es parte de nuestros esfuerzos por cuidarla.
Una colección hecha en lona de algodón orgánico, teñida de forma natural con vegetales y plantas e incluyendo también el proceso de reciclaje en las suelas vulcanizadas. Porque la sostenibilidad para nosotros no es solo una palabra. Es una forma de vida.

Mind the earth
Mind your step