The world has been warning us for some time. What we have been given is not infinite, we must take care of what surrounds us if we want it to last as long as possible.

From the beginning of Castañer we were very clear about the values that would be part of our DNA, what would define us as a company when making important decisions. One of those values is to put our feet on the ground, never better said.

Being aware of what surrounds us, the context in which we live, the present reality has made us see very clearly the importance of following a sustainable path both internally and in terms of our creations.

In summer we present J'aime la terrea collection committed to this cause, in which we use certified eco-responsible, natural and recycled materials, while at the same time we are committed to returning to our origins in terms of manufacturing methods, thus reducing our carbon footprint.

Now, with the arrival of the Christmas holidays, a time when we tend to consume more, we like to remind you that all our shipments are made with sustainable and recycled packaging that can also be reused for other shipments.

So that you can contribute to the cause from home, we show you a few tips to make this holiday season the most sustainable one.

1. Envuelve tus regalos con papel de periódico o revistas.

Es una manera muy sencilla de evitar comprar papeles decorativos y reusar elementos que tenemos en casa, aparte, puedes decorarlos con flores, hojas de eucalipto o abeto, piñas, etc.

2. Adornos de navidad.

Podemos optar por crear nuestros propios adornos con elementos que tengamos en casa, un poco de imaginación y mucha creatividad.

3. Iluminación de bajo consumo.

Apuesta por las bombillas LED. Son más duraderas y su consumo es mucho más reducido que el de las bombillas convencionales.

4. Regalos con futuro.

A la hora de elegir tus regalos, da prioridad a los de carácter sostenible, ecológico y artesanal. Apuesta por marcas con una filosofía respetuosa con el medio ambiente.
